Passenger rights

Passenger rights

Here you will find information about passenger rights in case of denied boarding, cancellation and flight delays.

“Quali sono i miei diritti in caso di ritardo prolungato del volo? To whom should I send my complaint in case of denied boarding or flight cancellation? I have lost my luggage, what should I do?”

The Passenger's Bill of Rights gives an answer to these and to many other questions, offering practical information and updates on the main rights and forms of protection provided to passengers in the event of inefficiency in air transport.

Reference regulations: Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, dell'11 febbraio 2004, che istituisce regole comuni in materia di compensazione ed assistenza ai passeggeri in caso di negato imbarco, di cancellazione del volo o di ritardo prolungato e che abroga il Regolamento ( CEE) n. 295/91.

Consult the Bill of Passengers' Rights by clicking on the following link: